Friday, September 10, 2010

The Sixth Sense: Through Bathe's Writerly Perspective

Opening Scene: Heavy traffic, officer questioning civilians "I'm okay officer." Camera continues to go between the car. Before the camera goes to Cole and his mother’s car, you hear her voice. *HER. Enigma: "What happened, who is in the accident, why is this important." **REF/SYM. The viewer can infer that there is a car accident based off clues such as the officer, the damaged cars, and the heavy traffic. We know this because of our culture to recognizing poilice officers in uniform and well as the symbolism of the fire, the officer is carrying to symbolize authority and danger.

"I'm ready to communicate with you now" says Cole. "Communicate?" questions his mother. "Tell you my secrets.." he responds. "What is it?" answers Mom. *HER. Enigma 2: What is his secret, what is he going to tell his mother about?" This statement includes formulating the enigma when he tells us that he's going to tell us his secrets. This also promises the audience of an answer to the enigma. However, Cole only provides us with a partial answer and suspends his answer, by first telling his Mom that someone died in the accident. This is also partially fraud, because the mother does not immediately realize Cole is telling her that he is seeing the ghost of the women. So she attempts to look at the window looking for the dead women's body. ** ACT. The mother slides her hands off the steering wheel and faces Cole, to demonstrate her interest in what he is saying. This also creates suspense for the audience waiting for the answer to the enigma.

“She wanted me to tell you that she saw you dance,” says Cole. (Camera stays on mother to get her reaction, rather than shot-reverse-shot.) *SEM. This signifies that he knows a past detailed event. Proving to his mom that he must of actually spoke with his late grandmother to know of her childhood dance recital. **ACT/SYM. The mother reacts by placing her hand over her mouth and tearing up. This lets the viewer infer that she is shocked as well as upset about this. It also shows her realization of her son’s sixth sense powers.

Still shot of the car accident clip from The Sixth Sense.

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