Friday, August 27, 2010

My First Blog!

I am very excited to say this is the first blog I have ever created! Through this blog I will be posting a series of assignments for my ENG 1131 course: Writing Through Media. I will be posting new entries weekly, and by the end of the semester there should be ten entries total. Some future posts will include analyzing my Facebook profile picture, analysis of iconic photographs, and venturing into the world of YouTube.

The Writing Through Media course is a modern English class that takes into account the large diversity of ways our digital age culture receives and publishes information. Our society relies on a plethora of sources to obtain information that is no longer limited to just written text. Through the use of the Internet, magazines, phones, television, and advertisements our culture is constantly bombarded with both visual and written text. The possibilities of combing these resources are endless and it’s only going to grow bigger and travel faster. I feel like this class will be helpful for any future courses I take at UF, as well as furthering my own personal knowledge.

Let me tell you a bit about myself, I am a first year Marketing and Public Relations major at the University of Florida. Like most freshmen, this is my first time away from my hometown and my parents and I'm so excited for this journey! I decided to take this course, not because I need the English credit, but because I really enjoyed my AP Language course in high school, especially the creative aspects of it, such as when we analyzed pictures. I’m looking forward to expanding my creative analyzing skills as well as my ability to create media too.
I am including a recent picture I took of one of the many UF bulletin boards. This particular board had at least 30 layers of flyers trying to convince students to join various clubs, buy products, and use particular services. I think this is a great example of one the various ways I mentioned early that we are bombarded with text. These flyers were competing for students attention, therefore the designers used color, visuals, and of course multiple flyers.


  1. Good golly! Look at 'em flyers!!!! So crazy.

  2. Great composition...the angle is good, the lighting interesting, and I like that there is a person standing in front of all the fliers. It looks like they are all reaching out to grab her!

  3. very cool!!!!!!!!!:) A+
